Statement On Myanmar

News One


ABCP Statement on the Developments in Myanmar


The Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace (ABCP) voices its deep concern over the developments in Myanmar when the military junta on February 11, 2021 declared a year-long state of emergency hours after detaining President Win Myint, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, and other senior members of the governing National League for Democracy (NLD) party.

ABCP notes with deep concern the total lack of compassion on the part of the military junta especially at a time of Covid-19 pandemic. The arbitrary declaration of military rule has destroyed any semblance of democracy in the country, which the people of Myanmar achieved after a sustained and prolonged struggle.

ABCP stands in solidarity with the people of Myanmar, a predominantly Buddhist country and demands immediate restoration of the democratic rights of the people and calls on the military junta for the following:

(i)  To immediately lift military rule and restore democracy and rule of law in Myanmar;

(ii)   To release all illegally detained political leaders and activists; and,

(iii)   To resolve disagreement through peaceful means and established legal mechanisms for the wellbeing of the people of Myanmar.


Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace (ABCP)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

18 February, 2021