CTA & ABCP National Center

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Scholarship stipend for newly arrived monks and nuns: This is support program in which monks and nuns, who recently escaped from Tibet and aged between 6 and 25 years. Such a monk or nun is provided with monthly stipend of Rs. 300 per month for 15 years or until they leave the monasteries and nunneries where they are enrolled. This program was started in 1980s and during the course of its operation the DRC was able to provide support to more than 10000 monks and nuns. The current number of monks and nuns involve in the program is Rs. 3,500.

Support to unregistered and destitute monks and nuns: This is a support for destitute monks, nuns, and tantric who are not registered to any monasteries and nunneries and faced with difficulty in livelihood. The department provides stipend of Rs. 300 per month for them to support their lives. As of our past data, we have 48 beneficiaries and we are now in process of updating the list from Tibetan settlements.

Support to Russian and Mongolian monks: It is a scholarship support for Russian and Mongolian (whose country has strong cultural relation with Tibet) enrolled in Tibetan monastic and other learning centers. Each person is given scholarship stipend of Rs. 300 per month for 15 years or until they leave the institution to whom they belong. 150 Russian and Mongolian monks are involved in this program.

Salary for Teachers: The DRC provides salary for Buddhist philosophy teachers, Science, Chinese Language teachers of smaller and financially weaker monasteries and nunneries, including institutions in Himalayan region. As of now we are providing salary of Rs. 3000 monthly to 65 Buddhist Philosophy teachers, Rs. 3,500 monthly to 16 Science teachers and Rs. 6,500 to nine Chinese Language teachers of various monasteries and nunneries.

Specialization Course: Under this project, the department provides a special fund to the scholar monks and nuns who want to studies and write a thesis on one specific topic. The duration of the specialization course program is four years. During the course, department organize workshop on writing thesis and also pay scholarship of Rs. 3000 per month. The first batch of this program has 12 researchers from various schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon Tradition.


Stipend for Temple Caretakers: There are many temples and small monasteries in every Tibetan settlement across India, Nepal and Bhutan for performing ritual services to the Tibetans. Since there is no proper financial source for them other than small amount of venerations offered by Tibetan settlers, the DRC provides monthly stipend of Rs. 2,000 to the caretakers of temples and small monasteries.