Buddhism in Laos PDR

Buddhism in Laos PDR

By Most Ven. Dr. Damrong Phimmajak, Laos


(In my article, I am going to talk about the background of Buddhism in Laos for understanding before talking about Sangha Education and Propagation of the Buddha’s teaching.)

Buddhism came to propagate in Laos more than two thousand years, but it’s recorded in history in the middle of the 13th century by Fa Ngom the Great. He unified the Lao land under the Lan Chang Kingdom in 1353 C.E. After reigning for some three years, he introduced the Theravada Buddhism in the form of Lunka Vamsa from Cambodia into Laos in 1356 C.E. and since the Buddhism had been a stable living religion until now.

      Today, Buddhism in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic plays a very important role in the spiritual development of the Lao people and has become an institution preserving and promoting traditional heritage and invaluable culture of the nation. Buddhism also plays an important role in education by training the Buddhist clergy as well as the lay people of Laos in the principles of Buddhist morality, harmony and friendship, the basic Loving-kindness teachings and also educates the people to be loyal to the nation and the homeland, and contributes to national development for the spiritual and material prosperity in conformity with new changes in the policy and approach of the Lao government and party.

      Nowadays, the Government and Party of Lao PDR uphold and respect the freedom of religion of the Lao people. The role and contribution of the Lao Buddhists and believers of other faiths to the growth and development of the nation are in conformity with the existing laws and regulations. The Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization is the main institute for Buddhist management, which is structured into the Sangha Council and includes the following: Sangha Council for Governance, Sangha Council for Education, Sangha Council for Propagation of Morality and Vipassana Meditation and Sangha Council for Construction and Renovation of Temples. The Central Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization is the Sangha Council Headquarters.

      When we talk about Buddhism in Laos, we can say that it was stable for more than two thousand years, which remains the bloodlines for the teaching and spreading of the Buddha’s teachings to Buddhist clergy and the lay people. In the past, Buddhists learned Buddha’s texts by reciting, but nowadays with the help of new communication technology, such as the internet and social media, Sangha education has a much broader and extensive outreach.

      Today, communication (internet) is developing all around the world, which is making it ever easier and faster the changing of information in different parts of the world. Taking advantage of this scientific and technological advance, the propagation of Buddhism should make extensive use of modern information media to spread the teachings of Buddha, which is an important factor of human learning today and for the future.

      In the Lao PDR, the four Sangha Councils and the Headquarters of the Central Lao Buddhist Fellowship Organization, especially the Sangha Council for Education, Sangha Council for Propagation of Morality and Vipassana Meditation have a central role in providing Sangha education, disseminating the important works of Buddha’s teachings to the new technical-savvy younger generation. In this respect, the Sangha Council for Education, under the presidential decree on Sangha education, established the education of Sangha theoretical and practise, including writing of treatises, Sangha course learning, and teaching and creating website.

      The Promotion of Morality and Vipassana Meditation also conduct their work among groups and through projects like Metta Dharma, which is a part of the cooperation of Sangha Governance and Promotion of Morality and Vipassana Meditation. Novice-Ordinations Vacation Training and Buddhist Development Project are involved in giving morality education to AIDS patients, and training students from primary schools to universities.

      In addition, the Sangha Council for Promotion of Morality and Vipassana Meditation is using modern communication technology (internet) to propagate the words of Buddha on a daily basis via radio, television, Facebook, and others. While the Sangha Council for Construction and Renovation is engaged in the construction of temples and restoration of Lao culture. It is also involved in social activities in the rural areas using donations from believers. During natural disasters, such as floods and fire, they carry out social work, and protect ancient objects.

      Many Buddhist Scholars and graduates from both the Sangha and the lay people from around the world are working together for the propagation of the Buddha’s teachings to global humanity.
