The Twelfth ABCP General Assembly of the Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace (ABCP) was held in New Delhi, the capital of the Republic of India on January17-18, 2024. It was attended by over 200delegates, guests and observers from 18National Centers in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamsala, India, Japan, Republic of Korea,Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia, Nepal, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

The 12th General Assembly of ABCP had the honor of having H.E.Mr. Jagdeep Dankhar, Vice President of the Republic of India, and H. E. Mr. Kiren Rijiju, Minister of Earth Sciences, Government of India, as its Chief Guests.

The 12th General Assembly was also attended by a delegation from the Mahachulalongkornarajavidyalaya University in Bangkok Thailand, headed by Ven. Pramaha Surasak Paccantaseno, Assistant Professor from the Office of Vice Rector for Foreign Affairs of the University. The Mahachulalongkornarajavidyalaya University had become a member and a National Center of ABCP in December 1982. ABCP President Ven. Gabju D. Choijamts welcomed the delegation from the Thai National Center for rejoining ABCP after a long break. The ABCP President also welcomed a delegation form Myanmar led by Most Ven. Dr. Sitagu Sayadaw Ashin Nanissara, Chancellor, Sitagu Buddhist Academy, who had also expressed Myanmar’s willingness and desire to join ABCP. A formal request from Myanmar is still awaited and it was decided that Myanmar’s request would be considered when ABCP receives a formal request for membership.

Da Lama Kh. Byambajav, Secretary General of ABCP opening the 12th general Assembly of ABCP said: “The 12th general Assembly of ABCP is being held in New Delhi, capital of India on 17-18 January 2024. I would like to greet the ABCP delegates from the National Centers and the eminent guests that have accepted our invitation to our General Assembly. Our peace movement organization from its very inception has been raising its voice and spearheading its actions for world peace and security. Wars, armed conflicts and natural disasters are occurring in the region and different countries around the world claiming many precious human lives and causing lot of suffering” and asked the General Assembly attendees to stand for a minute of silence in homage to those who have passed away.

Key note speech at the General Assembly was delivered by the Most Venerable Gabju D. Choijamts, President of ABCP focusing on major international issues of war and peace, environment and climate change, and the challenges, accomplishments and way forward of ABCP.

ABCP President, Gabju D. Choijamts began by saying, “The teachings of the Buddha consistently advocate for the avoidance of wars, conflicts, and crises. Throughout our history, countless wars have erupted, causing the loss of countless innocent lives, disability, orphanhood, and affliction by hunger, poverty, and diseases. Furthermore, the progress of nations has been hindered for decades. In the aftermath of war, cultural artifacts and intellectual heritage painstakingly crafted over centuries by societies and individuals are obliterated.The preparation for war and the pursuit of armaments constitute a significant economic burden on normal human life, exacerbating mistrust, enmity, and suspicion between nations in the political arena, while instilling ideological distrust, fear, and pessimism about the future.Wars and armed conflicts have been enduring sources of danger, loss, and harm in human history, and these painful lessons must be perpetually etched in our collective memory.”

Focusing on present-day challenges, the ABCP President said “His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, in his teachings in Bodh Gaya at the end of December last year, emphasized the universal aspiration for “world peace” shared by people worldwide, irrespective of their religious beliefs. However, this noble desire faces persistent challenges, as mentioned by His Holiness. Unfortunately, a few individuals with firm convictions contribute to the suffering of the global population, numbering over 7 billion. Humanity, despite its aversion to suffering, has initiated World War I, World War II, and seems to be on the brink of World War III. The production and proliferation of various weapons continue to escalate for this purpose.A poignant recent example lies in the conflicts in many parts of the world, including in Europe and the Middle East, as a consequence of which the pain and suffering of common people are multiplying. Although many countries, members of the international community, demand an immediate end to these conflicts and wars, we do not see much desire on the part of these involved in the conflict to stop the violence, which is extremely unfortunate.”

The ABCP President, concluded his key-note speech by saying “I am convinced that tangible progress can be achieved by way of bolstering mutual understanding and cooperation. By consolidating the efforts of international and national community organizations, as well as well-wishers, and by fostering unity, dialogue, and comprehension, we can overcomea plethora of challenges. Political, social, and economic crises, poverty, inequality, environmental catastrophes, discrimination, epidemics, extremism, and terrorism all demand our collective attention.”

The ABCP at its 12th General Assembly unanimously adopted the “Delhi Declaration.” The seven-point Delhi Declaration voices concern over fragile world peace and demands an immediate end to wars and armed conflicts by peaceful means, an end to the race for weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. It also voiced serious concern over global warming, climate change and natural degradation, which are the consequences of the wrongful acts and deeds of man, and called on nations and countries around the world to pool their efforts for the common cause of preserving our earth and protecting our nature.

A ceremony of presenting the “Medal of Honor” of ABCP was held during the inaugural session of the 12thGeneral Assembly of ABCP. The Hon’ble Minister of Earth Sciences of India H.E. Kiren Rijiju and Most Venerable Lama Lobzang, from Ladakh, India were presented the Medal of Honor by Most Ven. Gabju D. Choijamts, President of ABCP, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to promoting Lord Buddha’s sacred teachings and at realizing the goals and objectives of the Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace.

Messages of greetings from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi, President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Mohammed Shahabuddin,

President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, Speaker of the State Great Khural – Parliament of Mongolia Gombojavyn Zandanshatar, were read out during the inaugural session of the ABCP General Assembly. Ven. Pyeon Baek-un, the 26th President of the Taego Order of Korean Buddhism, and Ven. Bhikkhu Maitri, President of ABCP Nepal National Center also sent messages of greetings to the 12th General Assembly of ABCP.

National Centers of Japan, Mongolia – Dashichoiling Monastery, Bangladesh made reports to the General Assembly on the activities and the progress of their respective centers.

Venerable Buddhadatta Thera, Directorof theMahabodhi Research Center, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru, India, a special invitee to the General Assembly, made a presentation entitled “Stepping into the new horizons of change in the 21st century – Buddhist peace initiative – a contribution to the sustained holistic development for the Global South.

A meeting was held between the members of the ABCP Executive Council and Geneva-based “Dharma Alliance,” and a Framework for Cooperation Agreement between ABCP and Dharma Alliance was signed during the General Assembly by ABCP Secretary General Da Lama Kh. Byambajav, and Dr, Prashant Sharma, President of Dharma Alliance. The draft of the Framework for Cooperation Agreement between ABCP and Dharma Alliance was first discussed at a meeting between the Executive Council of ABCP and Dharma Alliance, which was held on the sidelines of the General Assembly and attended by some members of the ABCP Executive Council and the Dharma Alliance.

The purpose of the Framework for Cooperation Agreement between ABCP and Dharma Alliance is to build awareness about the ways in which Buddhist teachings, traditions and practices can contribute substantially to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), support advocacy efforts to strengthen and embed Buddhist principles in public policies at various levels; and support and strengthen the development of a collective Dharmic voice premised on common principles such as peace, harmony, mutual respect, and the inter-connectedness of all life, for greater effectiveness in influencing international institutions, dialogues and policies.

Another important feature of the Twelfth General Assembly was the Academic conference under the general theme “Buddhist Traditions, Culture and Heritage.” The academic session was attended by monk and lay scholars from India, Mongolia, Nepal such as Dr. Shashibala, a renowned Indologist, who is currently Dean of Bhavan’s K.M. Munshi Center for Indology, Prof. M. Otgonbayar of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, School of Sciences of the Mongolian National University in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Dr. Myagmarsuren Gombodorj of the Dashichoiling Buddhist Monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Mr. Mukunda Bista, Secretary of the Nepal National Center ABCP, Ven. Lama S. Luvsandorj, Director of the Mongolian Buddhist University of Gandan Tegchenling Monastery and Ven. Lama D. Lkhagvasuren, a professor at the Mongolian Buddhist University at Gandan Tegchenling Monastery,  Dr. Anirban Das, Director of the National Mission for Manuscript, Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, Ministry of Culture of India, and Mr. Jigmet Olden, Ph.D. Delhi University, India.

The 12th GA considered the recommendations of the 15th Meeting of the Executive Council, held in New Delhi on January 17, 2024 related to the Revised and Edited version of the Charter of ABCP, which after discussion by the delegates of the 12thGeneral Assembly, was adopted unanimously.

It also confirmed the commitment of ABCP to stick to the three-point resolution on the future status of the Dalai Lama institution, adopted at the 13th meeting of the Executive Council of the Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace, which was held in Colombo Sri Lanka on 14 January 2021 (*From the ABCP Colombo 2021 Resolution adopted by the Executive Council meeting: ABCP Executive Council meeting supported the statement made by Ven. Karma Gelek, President, National Center, Department of Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala, India with regard to the following 3-point resolution on the future of the Dalai Lama institute:

  • To continue the Institution and Reincarnation of the Dalai Lama in the future;
  • The incumbent XIV Dalai Lama to be the sole authority of how the next reincarnation of the Dalai Lama should return, and the Tibetan people never to recognize any Dali Lama reincarnation candidate chosen and installed by the Chinese government; and,
  • To employ the eight centuries old unique Tibetan traditional method in searching and recognizing the next Dalai Lama.

The General Assembly welcomed the news about the reincarnation of the Tenth Bogd Khan Jebzundamba of Mongolia.

At the General Assembly, Mr. Sonam Wangchuk, in his capacity as Secretary of the Indian National Center of ABCP, read out a joint statement of the Himalayan Buddhist Culture Association, the Indian Himalayan Council for Nalanda Buddhist Tradition and the Trans Himalayan Arts and Culture Association of declaring His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama as a “Universal Supreme Leader of the Buddhist World,” and declaring 6 July, His Holiness’ birthday as a “Universal Day of Compassion.” This joint statement was unanimously approved by the delegates of the 12th General Assembly of ABCP, noting that by “celebrating compassion and non-violence we celebrate the messages of Lord Buddha and the teachings of HH the 14th Dalai Lama,” emphasizing that ABCP commits to building a truly harmonious and peaceful world.

The 12th General Assembly of ABCP passed two resolutions, one on the adoption of the Revised and Edited version of the ABCP Charter and the second one on approving the admission of Bhutan as a new member of ABCP, which was first considered by the 15th Executive Council Meeting of ABCP and whose recommendation the General Assembly unanimously adopted the Revised and Edited version of ABCP Charter. (For the latest revised edited version of the ABCP Charter, see the Section under “Media” in the website).

At the 12th General Assembly, Vietnam National Center of ABCP announced its decision to host the 13th General Assembly of ABCP in Vietnam in 2026, and the head of the Cambodia National center

announced that it is contemplating to host the 16th Executive Council Meeting of ABCP in Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Both these decisions of the Vietnam and Cambodia National Centers were welcomed by the delegates to the 12th General Assembly of ABCP with a big round of applause.