TENTH ABCP GENERAL CONFERENCE   The Tenth ABCP General Assembly was held in Vientiane, Laos on 19-21 February 2003. It adopted a Statement on Developing Situations in Asia, a Special Resolution against Terrorism, Resolution for the Eradication of Poverty, and a Communique. It was attended by 7 delegates representing ABCP National Centers of Bangladesh, Cambodia, DPR Korea, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korean Buddhist Federation of Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Republic of Korea, SR of Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand and Lao PDR participated. Three representatives of the Buddhists Association of the People’s Republic of China were guests at the Conference. The new leadership of the ABCP was elected with Khamba Lama, Head of the Mongolian Buddhist, Gandan Tegchenling Monastery, Gabji D. Choijamts as its Fourth President. The 10th ABCP General Assembly issued a communique and adopted a number of documents, including a “Statement on developing Situations in Asia,” A Special resolution against Terrorism, A Resolution for the Eradication of Poverty, and the Vientiane Declaration.   STATEMENT ON DEVELOPING SITUATIONS IN ASIA This 10th General Conference of ABCP views with grave concern growing tensions between Israel and Palestine caused by period outburst of violence of innocent Palestinians, which has already caused incalculable loss of life and property, and threatened peace in West Asia; We appeal to Israel and Palestine to create favorable conditions for mutual dialogue to ensure peace and development in the region. This 10th General Conference of ABCP, after taking into consideration the changing situation on the Korean peninsula, the determination of this people for peaceful reunification of their country, the atmosphere of reconciliation created by the North-South Joint Declaration of June 2000 and visits and mutual cooperation among Buddhists on both sides, firmly believes that this process of marching ahead to strengthen the forces of independence, sovereignty, peace and solidarity needs to be accelerated in spite of provocative US military pressure. This 10th General Conference of ABCP takes note of recent developments in India-Pakistan relations and calls upon the two neighboring countries to adhere to the policy of resolving disputes by mutual dialogue and discussions to avert the situation developing into a nuclear collision course. Vientiane, Laos 21 February 2003   SPECIAL RESOLUTION AGAINST TERRORISM The 10th General Conference of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace was held in Vientiane, the capital of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic u from 19-21 February 2003, hereby adopts the following Special Resolution Against Terrorism: From the beginning of the 21st century, mankind has been in the grip of rising terrorism in the world. The terrorist attack has come as a rude shock to the conscience of civilized nations who have expressed their deep sense of anxiety over ghastly killings of men, women and children in many parts of the world. Humanity is living under constant threat of violence escalated by sporadic acts of terrorism. While we are conscious of the fact that people want to live in peace and harmony by abjuring violence, hatred and acrimony in every form, yet the forces of terrorism have eroded human values and respect for life of the people. Confronted with such a grave situation, we commend to all people on this planet to follow the principles of non-violence, universal compassion and tolerance in conformity with the teachings of Lord Buddha which are the attributes of a civilized society, essential for peace and development in the world. Vientiane, Laos 21 February 3002   RESOLUTION FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY This 10th General Conference of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace, held in Vientiane, the capital of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic from 19-21 February 2003, expresses its solidarity in the on-going struggle among developing countries for eradication of poverty in Asia and the world over so that the vast economic gap existing between the rich and the poor could be bridged to usher in an era of peace and economic stability. We express our full agreement and extend our support to the UN Resolutions on eradication of poverty in the world. We fully appreciate and congratulate the government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic for launching a strategic plan for elimination of poverty of its multi-ethnic people by the year 2020 by initiating a prioritized Hydropower “Nam Teun II” project for this decade. Vientiane, Laos 21 February 2003   THE VIENTIANE DECLARATION Guided By The Triple Gem: United For Peace And Prosperity We, the participants in the 10th General Conference of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace was held in Vientiane, capital of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic from 19-21 February 2003, representing Buddhists and peace-loving people who follow the noble teachings of Lord Buddha for all sentient beings in the world over: Being conscious of our responsibilities and duties towards all sentient beings based on the teachings of Lord Buddha; Deeply concerned over serious tensions prevailing in the international arena due to growing violence and terrorism, particularly beginning from the 21st century; Expressing our deep commitment for ushering in an era of durable peace, prosperity and sustainable development in the world; Keeping in mind the noble ideals and principles of non-violence, Panchsheel, the Noble Eight-Fold Paths, Dasa Parmita in resolving conflicts and alleviating human sufferings; Being firmly convinced about the imperative need to preserve nature and environment, as well as sustainable development, both of mind and wisdom, reiterate our firm resolve to call for an immediate complete and comprehensive ban on manufacturing, stockpiling, testing and use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, and urge upon all concerned nations to resolve their differences, in any, by peaceful negotiations and dialogue, in conformity with the UN Charter and international laws, and shun violence and bloodshed in settling their disputes; Declare and call upon Buddhists and all peoples in the world:

  • to work more actively and resolutely to strengthen peace movements of the Buddhists to eliminate conflicts, threat of war, escalation of arms race, manufacturing, testing, stockpiling and use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, violation of human rights, racism, every form of discriminations and end ever-increasing gap between the rich and the poor;
  • To promote solidarity to oppose any and every form of neo-imperialism and expansionism by supporting and cooperating with the Non-Aligned Movement and other peace-loving movements against military alliances;
  • To make people conscious about their innate ignorance and sinfulness and keep them to follow the path of Enlightenment and salvation of mankind by positively supporting and cooperating for the success of World Conference Against A and H Bombs, which is annually held in Japan to remind people about the horrors of atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world history’s worst holocaust and gravest war crime, and to achieve this goal, to actively work for the success of mind by disseminating and practicing the teachings of Lord Buddha on amity work for the success of peace promoting events;
  • To make strenuous efforts to promote universal peace, spiritual development and inner peace of mind by disseminating and practicing the teachings of Lord Buddha on amity, harmony and compassion;
  • Not to spare any effort to make the Twenty-First Century free human sufferings, terrorist violence, nuclear holocaust, poverty and imbalance of ecology by involving Buddhists and other peace-loving people in activities aimed at realizing the noble teachings of Lord Buddha enunciated in Dhammapada as follows: “Hatred cannot put an end to hatred in this world never happens Only non-hatred can bring hatred to an end This is an eternal law.”
  • to work for spreading education, cultivating a sense of altruism in the minds of young people, caring for the well-being of others, promoting interactions among people on basic human values such as compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, kindness, sincerity and honesty to ensure bright future for the coming generations so that they keep on working for creating a better human society based on equality and mutual benefit;
  • to cooperate and strengthen traditional ties between Buddhist and non-Buddhist organizations, inter-religious and non-religious groups, believers and laymen working for peace;
  • to explore practical measure to resolve problems facing mankind through dialogues and mutual discussions by adhering to the principles of non-violence, human dignity and care for others;
  • to disseminate knowledge on the compassionate teachings of Lord Buddha, to pay special attention to the conservation and protection of natural environment and to ensure effective involvement of youth and women in the aforesaid tasks to warn against and refrain from insatiable greedy attempt of profit-seeking and exploitation so that we can develop our national wealth in a most altruistic and environment-friendly way;
  • to carry on campaigns through print and electronic media and take proper steps in this direction for regular monitoring;
  • to work for the realization of a concrete project for the formation of the Great Sangha in which all Buddhists could attain peace, happiness and prosperity transcending their national borders, as envisaged in the New Delhi Declarations at the 3rd General Conference of ABCP.
  • to support and cooperate with other organizations and peoples who are working and willing to pursue the common objective of welfare of all sentient beings on this planet.

May the Triple Gem bless our activities for Peace and Dharma forever. Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic 19 February 2003 PHOTOS from the brochure Dharmaduta No 1, 2003 10 GA – pg 1 In the middle, Honorary President of ABCP, Most Ven. Kushok Bakula Rinpoche of India ABCP National Center Ven. Dr. T. Bulgan, ABCP Secretary general at the Tenth ABCP General Conference, Laos, 2003 Left to right, Most Ven. Dr. Mahavichith Sangharaja, ABCP Vice President, Ven. Dr. T. Bulgan , Most Ven. T. Suzuki, Japan  and Most Ven. Damba Ayusheev, ABCP Vice President and Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia, Ivolginsky Datsan      





  10 GA – pg 2 Most Ven. Damba Ayusheev, ABCP Vice President and Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia, Ivolginsky Datsan Most Ven. Sh. Shimma, CO-Ordinator of ABCP, Japan National center ABCP General Assembly and its participants    








  10 GA – pg 3 ABCP General Assembly and its participants Most Ven. D. Megadoda Sumanatissa Nayaka Thero, Sri Lanka, and ABCP Vice President Most Ven. T. Suzuki, Japan and ABCP Vice President    









  10 GA – pg 4 The Presidium of the ABCP Tenth General Conference The late Most Ven. Tep Vong of Cambodia, ABCP Vice President, seen here to his left with Ven. Dr. T. Bulgan, ABCP Secretary General Most Ven. D. Choijamt, ABCP President and Most Ven. Dr. Mahavichith Sangharaja, ABCP Vice President