The Second ABCP General Conference was held in Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka, on 23-27 April 1972. It was attended by the ABCPP members that attended the Inaugural First Conference of the organization held in June 1970 in Ulaanbaatar. The Right honourable Madame Sirimavo Bandarnayake, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka delilevered the inaugural speech and the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Governing Committee for the Second General Conference was chaired by Mr. S. S. Kulatielke, Minister for Cultural Affairs of Sri Lanka.

It adopted a special Resolution on Indo China, and Made an Appeal to All Buddhists in Asia. (See the full text of the Appeal of the Second General Conference of the Asian Buddhists Committee for the Promotion of Peace.)

Appeal to All Buddhists in Asia

We, the representatives of Asian Buddhists, striving for the cause of peace and justice in Asia in particular, and in the world in general, gathered in Kandy, the beautiful hill capital of Ceylon, the eighteenth century citadel of Buddhism, with an earnest desire to unify all forces at our command, to organize all the resources at our disposal, for the singular purpose of bringing an end to the fighting that has now been going on for over 30 years in the peninsular of Indo-China, where Asian Buddhists are instigate to fight fellow Asian Buddhists, unanimously declare that

  • The war in Indo-China is a war against the Buddha Ratana, as hundreds of Buddhists temples and monasteries have been are being burnt to ashes, as the images of the Buddha have been and are being reduced to dust, and as Sacred Pagodas have bene and are being levelled to the ground;
  • The war in Indo-China is a war against Dhamma Ratana as the most inhumane method of destruction has been and are being used against simple and innocent people by perhaps one of the most modern and powerful military forces today with the avowed intention of wiping a complete nation out of the face of the Earth;
  • The war in Indo-China is a war against Sangha Ratana as hundreds of pious and patriotic bhikkus have been and are being murdered most indiscriminately and cold-bloodedly;
  • The war in Indo-China, under the camouflage of “peace [poses” and massive propaganda are attempts to throw dust into the eyes of the peace-loving peoples of the world, including millions of Americans themselves is a war against the Tri Ratana.

We urge all Buddhists, both the Sangha and the laity, in Asia and in the world:

  • To condemn as loudly and strongly as possible, in one voice, this air war which has escalated to an ecocidal stage;
  • To call upon the aggressor to unilaterally stop this inhumane mass murder of innocent men, women and children, whose only crime is their yearning for freedom from colonial bondage; to remove all military bases now being maintained in South East Asia, without the consent of the common peoples of the region; to withdraw all foreign armed force from the Indo-China peninsula within the shortest possible time, before an explicitly set date.

And further call upon all nations to refrain from providing any kind of military, economic or moral support to the puppet regimes of Indo-China established and maintained by the aggressor, by catering to the selfishness of a few quislings for the sole purpose of using them as instruments to kill their own brethren; to respect the right of the peoples of Indo-China for self-determination, sovereignty, freedom and national unity; the look for solutions to their internal problems as their own responsibility,

And lastly, we appeal to all Buddhists and Buddhist organizations of the world, the Maha Sangha and the laity to close their ranks and build a single Buddhist brotherhood which will have the strength and the resources to campaign for the establishment and maintenance of world peace.


Resolved unanimously in the closing plenary session of the Second Conference of Asian Buddhists Committee for Promoting Peace and promulgated on the 27th of April – Full moon Day of the month of Adhi Vesak – from the Sacred Dalada Maligava – the Temple of the Tooth relic, Kandy, Ceylon.