
Pethub Monastery – a symbol of Mongolian-Indian relations


The 25th anniversary celebrations of the Pethub Stangey Chonkhorling Monastery, which was founded by the 19th Kushok Bakula Rinpoche, were observed on 1 and 2 October 2024 in Ulaanbaatar.


Kushok Bakula Rinpoche served in the Parliament of India, and was deeply engaged with welfare, education and rights of the Scheduled Cases and Scheduled Tribes of India. From January 1990 to October 2000, he served as India’s Ambassador in Mongolia, and during this period, he helped revive Buddhism in Mongolia.


An International Conference entitled “Nalanda Knowledge System in Mongolia” was organized in Ulaanbaatar on 2 October jointly by the Pethub Stangey Chonkhorling Monastery, Embassy of India in Mongolia, Indian Council for Cultural relations and the Asian Buddhists Conference for Peace.


ABCP Secretary General Kh. Byambajav presented a paper at the conference entitled Nalanda Tradition Yellow Sect of Buddhism in Mongolia. The Secretary General of ABCP, in his paper, dwelt on the past and present of the Yellow Sect of Buddhism in Mongolia, how it penetrated into the country to become the predominating faith among the nomadic Mongols, the ups and downs in its history, and the future prospective of the Nalanda Buddhism, as it is called today.