THIRD ABCP GENERAL CONFERENCE The Third ABCP General Conference was held in New Delhi, India from 1-3 November 1974. It was attended by over 200 delegates, guests and observers from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Japan, USSR, Malaysia, Mongolian People’s Republic, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam, representing over 20 organizations and monasteries as well as League of Korean Buddhists in Japan and the Federation of Overseas Vietnamese Buddhists in Paris. The Third ABCP General Conference decided to call the organization “Asian Buddhists Conference for Promoting Peace” with its Executive Council and Headquarters in Ulan-Bator (before 1990 the capital of Mongolia was thus written). It noted that the Asian Buddhist Conference for promoting peace is an independent and voluntary movement of Asian Buddhists, symbolizing the innermost aspirations of the disciples of Lord Buddha, to promote peace and justice and to enhance human dignity and that this movement shall strive for the establishment of peace and justice in Asia and the world through application of Compassion, the fundamental of the sacred teachings of Lord Buddha. General report at the Conference was delivered by the Most Ven. Khambo Lama S. Gombojav, President of ABCP on the present tasks facing Asian Buddhists peace movement. The activities carried out since the second conference of the ABCP by the affiliated member organizations were also discussed. H.E. Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, President of the Republic of India, delivered inaugural address and messages of greetings from Heads of states and political leaders as well as from peace, public and religious international organizations were also read out. The Third ABCP General Conference concluded with the Adoption of the Delhi Declaration and a “Special Resolution on the current situation in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, reflecting the importance of the struggle for establishing stable peace in south-east Asia as one of the essential tasks of the Asian Buddhists.” Our organizations shall be called hereinafter as “ASIAN BUDDHISTS CONFERENCE FOR PROMOTING PEACE” with its Executive Council and Headquarters in Ulan-Bator. The Asian Buddhists Conference for promoting peace is an independent and voluntary movement of Asian Buddhists, symbolizing the innermost aspirations of the disciples of Lord Buddha, to promote peace and justice and to enhance human dignity. This movement shall strive for the establishment of peace and justice in Asia and the world through application of Compassion, the fundamental of the sacred teachings of Lord Buddha. The Aims and Objectives of the Asian Buddhist Conference for promoting peace shall be as follows:
  1. To disseminate Buddhist concepts of peace and justice among all peoples of Asia.
  2. To achieve close cooperation through concerted action among Asian Buddhists for promoting peace and justice in Asia and the world.
  3. To unite all Asian Buddhists, to oppose imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism and achieve, uphold, and defend national independence.
  4. To oppose aggressive military alliances and setting up of foreign military bases on Asian soil in the neighboring seas.
  5. To strive for the complete prohibition of nuclear and other mass destructive weapons (their production, testing, stock-pilling and use) and work for total disarmament.
  6. To eradicate hunger, poverty, ignorance, discrimination, exploitation, economic injustice and religious intolerance and segregation and to promote social equality, economic progress, religious harmony and universal brotherhood.
  7. To cooperate and collaborate with other peace and solidarity movements of religious and non-religious nature working for similar objectives.
Our organization shall consist of Buddhist monasteries, temples, organizations, group and individual personalities sincerely seeking to promote and realize the aims and objectives stipulated in this declaration. Our organization is to unite around the singular national centers in each and every country with a view to further consolidate them. We set forth, thereupon, an immediate task for the following concerted common actions:
  1. United action for recognization of PRG of RSV (Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam), GRUNK (Royal Government of National Union of Kampuchea or in French Gouvernement Royal d’Union Nationale du Kampuché) and DRV (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) as the sole, legitimate and legal representatives of the people of South Vietnam, Cambodia and for the autonomous, peaceful reunification of Korea.
  2. United action for the isolation of Nguyen Van Thieu, Lon Nol and Park Chung Hi and in particular for the strengthening of the support for the current struggle of South Vietnamese people and the Buddhists to over throw Thieu.
  3. United action for an International agreement to completely prohibit Nuclear Weapons.
  4. United action against foreign military bases set up on the soil of Asia and for the abrogation of aggressive military alliances and for a genuine and durable peace and security in Asia.
  5. United and concerted action for the implementation of the Aims and Objectives enumerated herein before.