ABCP President Congratulates Nobel Peace Laureate “Nihon Hidankyu”


ABCP since its foundation in June 1970, through its National Centers, has been raising its voice for nuclear disarmament, against the arms race and for world peace and security. Most Ven. D. Choijamts, President of ABCO, sent a a congratulatory message to “Nihon Hidankyo” a grassroots Japanese organization of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and …

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Korean Culture and Buddhism Ven. Woneung (Dr. Lee Chi Ran)


Chancellor, Dongbang Buddhist University Editor in Chief, the Korean Buddhist Newspapers I. Korean Culture’s Identity II. Korean Culture and Buddhism III. Modern Society and Buddhist Roles IV. Taego Order and Its Religious Legacy Korean Culture’s Identity Most of the people misunderstand Korean culture considering it to be similar to Chinese culture. But the very root …

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Buddhism in Laos PDR


Buddhism in Laos PDR By Most Ven. Dr. Damrong Phimmajak, Laos   (In my article, I am going to talk about the background of Buddhism in Laos for understanding before talking about Sangha Education and Propagation of the Buddha’s teaching.) Buddhism came to propagate in Laos more than two thousand years, but it’s recorded in history …

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